Please state the current condition of the pistol to get an estimate of value.
Give it a rating like Poor, Fair, Good, Very Good or Excellent condition.
What is the model and condition of the PISTOL. without more information it is not possible to answer you
Your question is a little confusing. I know that Daisy made a 110 Air Force rocket command BB Rifle and models 747 Target pistol, model 777 Target pistol, a model 62 Target pistol and a model 118 Targeteer pistol. but I know of no 110 Target special pistol. However, I suggest you contact Daisy and ask them. Daisy offers a free service to tell you more about your old Daisy See the link below
If the WORKING condition is Excellent. What condition is the pistol itself in. Is it also in Excellent condition or average condition
Your best answer should come from Daisy. Daisy offers a free service to answer questions about old Daisy airguns see the link below.
All I could find was a Daisy Target pistol, Daisy Targeteer and Daisy Bullseye Target Pistol. But no "Target Master". Please state the model number and the condition of the gun to get an estimate of value.
This pistol was made from 1979-1989. If you would like an estimate of value then you need to state the condition of the pistol from Poor to Excellent. With out that information it is not possible to give you an estimate of value.
Without any information about the condition of the pistol it is not possible to give an estimate of value, So I am posting a link to Daisy Antiques ( Daisy made your JC Higgins pistol) To help you. {See the Link Below}
The model 188 pistol was made between 1979-89 in fine condition it's worth between $30-$40
This is a 12 shot tubular pistol. made between 1960-81. Unfortunately you did not state the condition of the pistol, excellent to poor. Is it still working? No estimate of value can be given without this information.
I only have some information for you. Any JC Higgins air pistol that begins with model 126 was made by Crosman air gun. Any model that starts with 799 was made by Daisy air gun. I suggest you click the Crosman link below and check the owners manuals to try to locate your pistol. Then re-post the Crosman model number along with the condition of the pistol to get an estimate of value.
Please state the model and the condition of the pistol to get an estimate of value.
This is a Daisy model 25. Without knowing the condition of the rifle it is not possible to give an estimate of value.