Anywhere from $10 to $1000. The value of ANY gun is based on exact make, model, variety and condition- and we don't know those things.
1901 single barrel shotgun, washingtion
Buy Shotgun. Buy Shotgun.
when was the carolina arms 16 gauge single barrel shotgun made
Eastern Arms was a Sears Roebuck brand name in the early 20th century. Possible manufacturers include Andrew Fyrberg, Meriden Firearms, J. Stevens, and Iver Johnson.
How much is a 16 gage single barrel shotgun model 350A Revelation
Take it to a gunsmith
I do not personally, but yes, there is a single shot rifle that can have the rifle barrel replaced with a shotgun barrel.
The users of them.
about $100 US.
The Model 1894 Remington was a side-by-side shotgun. The Model 1893 was a single-barrel shotgun with a side hammer. The 1893 in excellent original condition can bring $300.
yes they made a martini action single barrel shotgun 12gauge it is cheap around £100 but it has a huge amount of recoil you can buy them on