when was the carolina arms 16 gauge single barrel shotgun made
nitro hunter shotgun single barrel with exposed hammer stamped belknap hdwre and mfg serial 5516
The Model 1894 Remington was a side-by-side shotgun. The Model 1893 was a single-barrel shotgun with a side hammer. The 1893 in excellent original condition can bring $300.
Provide a detailed description including gauge, barrel length, all markings, overall condition and finish.
1901 single barrel shotgun, washingtion
Buy Shotgun. Buy Shotgun.
How much is a 16 gage single barrel shotgun model 350A Revelation
Take it to a gunsmith
I do not personally, but yes, there is a single shot rifle that can have the rifle barrel replaced with a shotgun barrel.
The users of them.
Either WH Davenport Arms Co or Iver Johnson Arms and Cycle Works.
Could have been anytime from about 1860 to 1920. Better description may get a better answer.