The collector value can only be assessed by a visual inspection & evaluation. Old Winchesters are very much like old classic automobiles... the graded condition and factory originality are the key factors in determining what they are truly worth. Bert H.
your model 12 Winchester pump shotgun was made in 1951 as to value in fine condition I have seen them from 550.00 dollars and up.
If you truly have a Winchester Model 1906 that was manufactured in the year 1951, it would be priceless or absolutely worthless. Winchester ceased production of the Model 1906 in December of 1932.
Manufactured in 1951, it is 56 years old.
That will be totally based on the model of Winchester in question,and the amount of original finish remaining on the Winchester in question.You will need to provide this info to get a answer to your question.A serial number will also help identify if your Winchester was made in 1951.
Your Winchester model 61 was manufactured in 1951. Reference for Winchester rifles can be found @
Your Winchester model 74 was made by Winchester in 1951.
Your Winchester model 1894 was made by Winchester in 1951.
90-140 dollars,depending on overall condition and a good bore.
Your winchester model 1894 rifle was made by winchester in 1951.
your Winchester model 1894 was made in 1951.
your Winchester model 1894 was made by Winchester in the last months of 1951.