If you truly have a Winchester Model 1906 that was manufactured in the year 1951, it would be priceless or absolutely worthless. Winchester ceased production of the Model 1906 in December of 1932.
10-600 usd
It was manufactured in December of the year 1919.
Winchester Model 1894 serial number 347971 was manufactured in the year 1906. The value can only be determined by a visual inspection & evaluation. Bert H.
your model 1906 Winchester was made in the first yrs of production 1905-1906.
how to find the value of Winchester model 94 built in 1906 by use of the serial no
Manufactured in 1919. The Blue Book of Gun Values says "seldom encountered in over 90% original condition". Value in 70-80% is listed as $500-$600.
depending on the rifle's state , and condition , from 400 to 1400,00
The Winchester Model 1906 was in production from January of 1906 thorugh December of 1932. Bert H.
your Winchester model 1906 serial#239054 was made in 1911.