These are valued at between 350-500 dollars depending on the overall condition of the rifle.
your model 1894 Winchester was made in 1948.
Between 1943 and 1948. No records were kept.
Your Winchester model 1894 rifle which was made during the World War II years(1943-1948) When Winchester did not keep production records will bring between 350-550 dollars depending on overall condition,and a good bore.
According to, this rifle was made between 1943 1nd 1948
Between 1943 and 1948. There were no serial number records dept during this period.
your Winchester model 1894 was made during the yrs of records were kept from 1943-1948. if I had to guess I would say that your rifle was made in 1943 due to the ending ser# in 1942 and the beginning ser# in 1948.
350-550 dollars is the going rate for a Winchester model 1894 rifle made during the War years of 1943-1948.
According to your serial number ..Your lever action was Manufactured in 1930. The letters wcf: Winchester Center Fire
Your winchester model 1894 rifle was made in the year 1943.The serial number range for that year was 1,221,289-1,267,741 approximate.
Winchester Model 94 serial number 1546398 was manufactured in the later half of the year 1948. The value can only be determined by a visual inspection & evaluation. Bert H.
The value of a Winchester model 1874 30 WCF SN 409XXX is $600 in fair condition. In excellent condition it is valued at $900.