The value of a Winchester model 1874 30 WCF SN 409XXX is $600 in fair condition. In excellent condition it is valued at $900.
it is worth £20
The Winchester Model 1873 was in production from the year 1874 through 1920 (with a few hundred additional parts clean-up rifles made up to the year 1925). Bert H.
it was made 1874. value depends on oberall condition.
Fred Winchester Sladen was born on 1874-02-22.
Frank Woods - bishop of Winchester - was born in 1874.
Value of 1874 series 10 cent paper money
Depends greatly on which model and more importantly ORIGINAL condition, condition, and condition.
Value is going to depend on condition and originality, as well as exact model, and there is no way we can tell that at a distance. This would require a hands on exam from someone that knows antique European firearms.
Value depends on Make, Model, and condition. It may range from $10-$1000, and will truly need a hands on appraisal.
1874 Indian Head Penny: good condition-$13.00, mint condition-$155.00
500.00 dollars
about 20 dollars they arnt that rare due to the mass production of them so if you are offered anything more than 20 take it