P what? P38, PP, PPK. Could be worth 100 dollars or could be worth 10000 dollars depending on EXACTLY what it is and condition.
100-1000 depending on specifics
100-1000 USD or so
100-1000 depending on specifics
100-1000 depending on specifics
Walther von Lüttwitz died on 1942-09-20.
200-400 USD
100-1000 USD depending on specifics
Walther von Reichenau died on January 17, 1942 at the age of 57.
The P-38 in 22LR is the only 22LR pistol made by Walther that looks like a P38
Walther von Reichenau died on January 17, 1942 at the age of 57.
Without a detailed description the best I can do is give you a range of a couple of hundred to multiple thousands.
Most Walther P-38 pistols have been selling for between 550-750 dollars on gun broker.com.If yours has matching numbers and the metal is in good shape then it will fall into this price range.The AC 43 sn2466k indicates that it was produced by Walther in either Sept.or Oct. of 1943.