Are you sure it's not a Model 1906? The early model chambered for the .22 short only in NRA Good condition has a retail value of $600 according to the Standard Catalog. The Standard model chambered for .22 S L or LR lists for $350. The "Expert", which can be distinguished from the standard by its pistol grip stock, is shown at $650 for a blued finish, $790 if the receiver, guard and bolt are nickeled, and $1300 if the barrel is also nickel plated.
Your Model 03 Winchester was manufactured in 1909. They are quite collectable and are selling for between $800 and $ 1,200.
Value is about $200.00 if in very good condition.
A Winchester model 20 shotgun in good condition(80%) original condition is valued at between 350-450 dollars.
Winchester Model 1882, 32-20 caliber, what is the value good condition
1958 model 70 Winchester 3006 good condition
Roughly $3800.00
The correct identification is the .32-20 Hand Ejector Model of 1905 (3rd Change). Undoubtedly you are reading ".32 WINCHESTER CTG" from the barrel, but the gun was made by S&W, not Winchester. That just indicates it is chambered for .32/20. Value is going to be $200-$250
The value of a Winchester model 1300 waterfowl special is determined by the condition of the gun. This particular model can be sold for 500 dollars if in good condition.
i bought one for a 100$ in some what good condition
The value of any gun depends on its condition. Typically, in good condition, a Winchester model 97 12 ga shotgun will have a value of around $350 to $500.
If it is actually made by Winchester, and is in good, working condition, several hundred at least.