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It is worth anywhere from 80-250 dollars depending on condition.

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Q: What is the value of Winchester cal 22 67 model rifle?
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The value of a model 1876 Winchester rifle caliber 4560 would be dependent upon a number of factors. The most important of these factors would be the condition of the rifle.

What is the value of Winchester rifle model 90-22?

the model 90 is a much cherished little 22 cal rifle. value depends on condition. $300 to over $1000

What is the value of a Winchester model 180 22 cal semi automatic rifle?

what is the value of a Winchester model 190 semi automatic rifle.The Winchester model 190 rifle is valued between 65-150 dollars for a rifle showing between 60%-90%of its original finish and a good bore.

What is the value of a1980 model 70 Winchester rifle 22-250 cal?

50-500 usd

What is the approx value of a Winchester model 290 22 cal rifle?

your Winchester model 290 in good condition should be in the range of 200-275 dollars.

Rifle Winchester model 190 cal 22lr?

And your question is??

How old is Winchester model 90-22 long rifle serial number 481317 A?

Your Winchester model 1890 .22 cal rifle was made by Winchester in 1912.

What is the Model of a Winchester 40 cal rifle made in 1917 and What is its value in good condition?

You need to seek a professional appraisal