depends greatly on condition from 100 beater to 1,000 NIB. But unless it's very good to excellent it stops in the 500-600 range.
Remington's website has what you are looking for.
50-300 or so
The value will be determined by the condition of the pistol. Anywhere from $0 to $500. In Mint condition especially in the box they can be worth double that.
Greatly dependent on condition. from $200 to $1,200 for new in the box.
Yes, that would be the Model 51 made in 380 and 32 auto.
Manufactured 1919
Depends on original condition from a $100 parts gun to as much as a $1,200 new in the box.
Click on the link below for photo Model 51
50 or so
Depends on condition, condition, and condition. From $100 to $1,200 LNIB.
We need the model- there is more than 1 Browning .380 pistol.