It is hard to answer you with out knowing the condition of the rifle. You will need to give a description of it in order to get an answer. However you can contact Daisy. Daisy offers a free service to tell you more about your Daisy. See the link below.
What model? You also need to state the condition of the BB gun. model is 95B. You have not stated the "Condition" of the rifle so I can only give you an average price. $30
To get an estimate of value you will need to state the condition of the rifle. Is it Poor, Fair, Good, Very Good or Excellent. Is it still working?
Made by Who.
Which model, what is the condition of the BB gun or is it a BB rifle..
Daisy made several models that year. What model are you asking about?
In Fair condition it would be worth between $15 - $25.
What condition is it in, That determines the value.
$15.00 to $25.00
20-50 USD
What condition is it in. That determines the value.
To get an estimate of the value you need to state the model and the condition of the gun, or is it a rifle. You need to be more specific with a description.
Please state the condition of the Daisy. The original model was the No. 111 model 40 made in 1940-41.