Gangnam Style is the most viewed video on YouTube with 1.51 billion views. However most of the views are mostly bot generated views and not real views. The real view count of Gangnam Style is 1.06 billion views.
The Most Romantic Rap song is based on your opinion. But so far in MY life, it's got to be "Battle Scars."
Jason Mraz sings the song, and the title is Remedy.
go to iTunes and search for the song and buy it
Something's Gotta Give - song - was created in 1955.
Baby Bieber is a Youtube video which shows Justin Bieber singing Baby, a popular song by the singer, when he was 5 years old. __ million views on youtube.
I think it was the song about beshoy.. i heard it got 70million views on youtube
Miley Cyrus garnered about 741,300,000 hits on YouTube for Wrecking Ball.
The most subscribed person on Youtube is Nigahiga. Some may think Fred but it is in fact Nigahiga. Nigahiga got 3.5 million subscribers Fred got 1,000,000 subscribers
There are many ways to get more views on your YouTube videos. The first thing you will want to do is use YouTubeβs own search tool to see if anyone else has already made a video on the same topic. Your search should contain your keywords, maybe even a few synonyms. Try using a few different search terms to see what kind of videos show up.
Buzzy555 is a youtube guy that's got thousands of subs and 100 thousands of video views... you should watch him on youtube he kinda funny...
Psy Gangnam style with over 1billion veiws The most popular video on youtube is the music video for the song "Gangnam Style" performed by Psy. The song was released in July of 2012 and reached a billion views in 2013.
Psy broke the record at 38.4 million views. One Direction got 12.3 million views. They broke the VEVO record for 24 hours. But, Psy broke the Youtube record (his channel isn't part of VEVO)
check youtube or
When you reach 1,000 subscribers and 4k views per year, you can connect to the YouTube affiliate program. This way you can earn from banners from Adsence affiliate program. To get these figures, you can use the service lowcostsmm and on YouTube get views, subscribers, as well as likes, bots or comments.
on youtube type in a song and it will tell you who it got sung by and also you can listen to it as well
One hit wonder Cymarron from 1971, with the song "Rings" on youtube