The size of an mp3 file will vary depending upon the length of the song and the amount of compression used. A higher level of compression will mean poorer sound quality but a smaller file size. In general an average three minute song at an acceptable sound quality will be around 4 or 5MB.
The average file size of a song (mp3) is around 5,000 kb.
The average song size on an mp3 file is 3 - 7mb.
A typical MP3 is 3-5MB in size.
About a tenth of the original size, depending on the compression rate that is chose.
I think you mean 1GB, anyway, It depends on the size of a song. Usually an MP3 song will be about a couple of thousand KB. I have a 2GB Ipod, I think, and I have about 200 songs. You will probable fit around 100.
No, you can not put song on the mp3 player.
Yes because the songs that you buy from itunes are in mp3 format
how to mix mp3 song
One can download the song "Tell Me Where It Hurts" from 4 Shared, MP3 Bear, Bee MP3, Index of MP3s, Search MP3, MP3 Lemon, MP3 SK, Artists Lets sing it, Amazon, Coke MP3 and many more.
You can tell how big is an MP3 by using the minute rule. The minute rule is a rule determine to find the size of a song. For example, if I have an mp3 that is 3 minutes long, then it would be 3 Megabytes big. Every minute of audio is 1 Megabyte big.