songs dont' mix songs - people mix songs allows you to mix songs together
You could easily create your own playlist using iTunes and burning it onto a disk. This is the easiest way to create a CD with a mix of songs and you can also make sure, by doing it this way, that you like all the songs on the disc.
No you can't. The songs for Mix me in2 are made expecially for the app and normal songs won't work on it sorry
Not really, there is a mix of the top like 25 songs. Im sorry i forgot what it was called. Hope this helped
DJ BL3ND's songs he's got some pretty sick beat's in his songs. look up DJ BL3ND sexy mix or trippy mix.
They do a mix of various songs in their setlist depending on where they perform.
search it on google.
yes i can answer it download and cut the songs and mix them with some masala means tunes u will get
no little mix is more popular. their songs are brilliant