If you google Krieghoff shotgun, you will see several sites that have numerous Krieghoffs for sale. The prices range from $3,000 to $60,000 depending on model and condition.
The value of an 11-87 Remington shotgun depends on the condition of the gun. This shotgun in excellent condition sells for between 50.00 and 625.00 as of 2014.
anywhere between $750 and $1400 (NIB)
How do you identify the model of an old Remington shotgun with ser # 232022
It is a shotgun manufactured by the Remington Co. for Montgomery Ward's between 1957 and 1959. About 1200 were made.
Baikal isn't made buy Remington; it just has the name stamped on the side. It is made by baikal of russia
what is a remington 20ga shotgun patented 1891,1903,1904 worth?
You must call Remington to get an accurate answer.
the Remington .32 model 141 is not a shotgun but a pump action dear hunting RIFLE. It was made between 1938 and 1950, and has a value in good condition between 250 and 300$
NO! The 1187 barrel was for remington shotguns,the auto-5 shotgun is a browning shotgun.
your Remington model 1894 shotgun was made in 1899.
The 870 Remington shotgun used to be a popular candidate for a "release" trigger.