The standard rate of twist for a .22LR firearm is 1 turn in 16 inches. I don't know why a Remington 541 target rifle would be any different than 1:16
6mm Remington twist rate is 1 in 9, 244 Remington twist rate is 1 in 12. The 1 in 12 twist will not stabilize long 100 grain bullets while the 1 in 9 twist will.When the the caliber .224 Remington's name was changed to 6mm Remington, the twist rate was changed.
The twist rate is 14"
Standard factory 222 Remington ADL has a 1/14 twist rate.
1-12 twist rate
The rate of twist for a Remington 788 in .243cal is 1 in 9 which is one complete turn of the bullet in nine inches
1- 12 twist
Contact Remington's customer service.
1 in 12
It will vary with caliber.
Remington 700 .243 twist rate is: 1 in 10" you can google it like I did.