6mm Remington twist rate is 1 in 9, 244 Remington twist rate is 1 in 12. The 1 in 12 twist will not stabilize long 100 grain bullets while the 1 in 9 twist will.
When the the caliber .224 Remington's name was changed to 6mm Remington, the twist rate was changed.
I will first say that the Remington model 788 was made in 6mm from 1969-1979,at this time they are going for anywhere from 250-450 dollars depending on condition.
Your remington model 742 rifle is valued at between 275-350 dollars.
Yes, I also have a Remington 244. I haven't it shot it in years but it used to work great with Winchester 6mm cartridges. Seemed to jam more with Remington for some odd reason.
Only the 700 VLS is made in 6mm
$ 1000.I do not know who answered this question?I have a model 722 in 300 Savage caliber and paid 475 dollars for mine.It is one sweet shooting bolt action rifle.I would not sell it for the world.I know have a chance to buy one in .244 remington caliber(6mm Remington) with the faster twist rate barrel.The price on that one is 450 dollars,and I am going to jump on that one also.Most can be found for between 400-550 dollars and they are fine made rifles with alot of accuracy going for them.
It would be better to ask Remington that question.
i have a 6404.2 colyer clip for Remington slide action and semi-auto in 0.308, 0.244 or 6mm and 300 savage cailbers. new in box. email me chicchitownATyahooDOTcom.
6 mm
Dont believe Browning chambered a rifle for the 6mm Remington cartridge. Do you mean 6.35mm (a pistol)?
These remington bolt action rifles are currently valued at between 160 dollars for a gun with 60% original finish,up to 300 dollars for a rifle with 95% original finish remaining.