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Only the 700 VLS is made in 6mm

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Q: Is the Remington 700 bdl 6mm still made?
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What is a Remington Model 700 ADL in 6MM worth?


What is the value of a Remington 700 bdl dm in 6mm?

To determine the exact value of a Remington 700 BDL dm in 6mm, a few different factors would need to be taken into consideration. Some of these factors would be the age and condition of the firearm.

What is the rate of twist in my Remington model 700 6mm?

6mm Remington twist rate is 1 in 9, 244 Remington twist rate is 1 in 12. The 1 in 12 twist will not stabilize long 100 grain bullets while the 1 in 9 twist will.When the the caliber .224 Remington's name was changed to 6mm Remington, the twist rate was changed.

What is the value of a 1979 Remington 700 BDL 6MM Mint Condition?

300 to 400 depending on the market in your area.

What year is a Remington 700 with serial number A6626481?

Your remington model 700 which has a letter A prefix to the serial number,indicates that it was made in 1980.

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What is the date of your model 700 Remington with the serial number C6237546?

Your remington model 700 was made in 1982 with the letter C prefix to the serial number.

Remington model 700 serial A6344492 when was it made?

Where is Remington 700 tatical-varment made?

Ilion, NY

What year was Remington rifle 700 bdl serial number c6382555 made?

The C prefix to your serial number indicates that your remington model 700 was made in either 1982,or 2008.

How much is a Winchester 700 rifle worth?

Remington made the model 700 rifle.Winchester made the model 70 rifle.

How many Remington model 700 30-06 rifles have been made?

Only Remington knows.