As with any shotgun firing shotshells, you're only going to have an effective range of about 100 metres. Shotguns are very close range weapons.
You cannot purchase an AA12 shotgun you must join the military to receive an AA12
The AA12 has a 8 round magazine.
the worlds deadliest shotgun is the aa12 it is so because i can be equipped with a 12 round drum , a 30 round drum and a 32 round drum it could also be equipped woth a high explosive grenade round. it could also shoot repitedly or fully automatic this is why it is the worlds deadliest shotgun
Yes, The Auto Assault-12 (AA-12) (originally designed and known as the Atchisson Assault Shotgun) is a shotgun developed in 1972 by Maxwell Atchisson.
Without more of a description it could range from 100-10000 USD
The first fully automatic shotgun was the AA-12
A man by the name of Atchisson invented the AA-12 (Atchisson-Automatic) Shotgun in the mid to late 1970's. Unable to market it effectively, he subsequently sold the blueprints to a man by the name of Jerry Berber in the mid to late 1980's. Over the course of about 15 years, Mr. Berber made over 200 alterations to the plans and in the late 1990's to early on after turn of the century, re-marketed the weapon as the Automatic-Assault 12 (Gauge) Shotgun.
Unfortunately you cannot unless you have a class 3 firearms license. Also as of the moment they will only sale to Military and Police.
A fully automatic shotgun.
Fully automatic shotgun, no. Automatic rifles and machine guns, yes.
a shotgun a m16 automatic shotgun
The AA12 was made in the United states by a guy named Maxwell