

Best Answer

If the is couple is male and has the same last name:

Messrs. Ryan & Adam Smith

Mr. Ryan Smith & Mr. Adam Smith

Ryan & Adam Smith

(the third way is the most natural for most situations)

If the couple is female, and has the same last name:

Ms. Janet Smith & Ms. Kim Smith

Janet & Kim Smith

(the second way is the most natural for most situations)

If the couple has different last names:

Mr. Ryan Smith & Mr. Adam Jones

Ryan Smith & Adam Jones

Ms. Janet Smith & Ms. Kim Jones

Janet Smith & Kim Jones

Never ever say "Mr. & Mr." or "Mrs. & Mrs."

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Q: What is the proper form of address for a gay couple?
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Are And and Dec a gay couple?

no they are not a gay couple, they were put together to present shows because they were part of the same band. i can confirm they are not gay.

Why do gay like to kiss?

Gay people like to kiss just like everyone else. It is a form of intimacy that allows the couple to connect both physically and emotionally.

What are the options for a gay couple on having a baby?

It depends on the law in your state or country. In some placesa gay couple can adopt a babya gay couple can donate sperm to a woman who will have the baby for them (surrogate mother)a gay couple who are lesbians can get sperm from a friend, or from a sperm bank and inseminate one of the partners.a gay couple can have a baby from a previous marriage of one of the partners

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In states which recognize gay marriage, the procedure is the same as for any other couple.

When someone says they are not gay and that's an issue they have to address?

If they say they are not gay that is it. They are not gay.

What is a gay top?

A top is the one in a gay couple who is "giving;" a bottom "receives."

Is jaejoong and yunhae a gay couple?

No. They aren't.

What is the most amount of kids a gay couple has had in their life?

The majority of gay parents have either 1 or 2 children, but there are a large families as well, The current record as of 2014, is a gay couple with 14 children.

What are two gay girls called?

The usual word for a gay female is a lesbian. Two of them are "a couple".

What did the holy bible say about gay rights?

The bible does not address gay rights.

What is the web address of the Milwaukee Gay Arts Center in Milwaukee Wisconsin?

The web address of the Milwaukee Gay Arts Center is:

How does a same-sex married couple obtain a divorce?

A gay couple who are legally married, can get a divorce exactly the same as a heterosexual couple.