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It depends on the law in your state or country. In some places

  • a gay couple can adopt a baby
  • a gay couple can donate sperm to a woman who will have the baby for them (surrogate mother)
  • a gay couple who are lesbians can get sperm from a friend, or from a sperm bank and inseminate one of the partners.
  • a gay couple can have a baby from a previous marriage of one of the partners
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Q: What are the options for a gay couple on having a baby?
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No, but it increases your chances of having a PLASTIC BABY.

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Rick and Steve the Happiest Gay Couple in All the World - 2007 Bush Baby 1-2 was released on: USA: 17 July 2007

What is gay sex good for?

Same as for straight people apart from making a baby. It brings the couple closer and gives pleasure.

Is it possible for a women to have a baby for a gay couple without going through surrogacy?

Yes, however there could be legal ramifications that may be serious. In a 2013 case in Kansas, a lesbian couple used a sperm donor without official channels, and the man wound up having to pay child support.

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Dwayne Michael Carter III ie Lil Wayne was adopted by Brian 'Baby' Williams, who is rapper Birdman. he isn't gay

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no they are not a gay couple, they were put together to present shows because they were part of the same band. i can confirm they are not gay.

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Rick and Steve the Happiest Gay Couple in All the World - 2007 Bush Baby 1-2 is rated/received certificates of: UK:15

How do you help a gay premature baby?

It is not possible to know if a baby is gay or straight.

What is the procedure for a gay couple to adopt a child?

In states which recognize gay marriage, the procedure is the same as for any other couple.

How do gay people have babies?

The same way anyone does, just not with each other. It takes one man (for the sperm) and one woman (for the egg) to make a baby, so the same-sex couples can not do this without a member of the opposite sex to help, or by adoption.Some of the ways gay men have babies:If they are fertile and capable of making a baby, gay men can donate their sperm to a couple who want a baby (usually through artificial insemination. The couple can be a lesbian couple or heterosexual couple who are infertile).Some gay couples may use the sperm of one or the other man to have a surrogate mother impregnated, or if they cannot use their own sperm, they may have a surrogate mother use donated sperm to conceive the baby.Sometimes they adopt a baby to love.Some of the ways lesbian women have babies:If one of the women is fertile and capable of making a baby, they can use the sperm of a donor male (either one they know or from a sperm bank), and their egg to have a baby themselves. This can be by artificial insemination or by natural sex if they have a male to help.If they are not capable of having the baby themselves, they can also use a surrogate mother.Sometimes they adopt a baby to love.See the related questions for more information.

Is baby blue gay?

definately. I've seen gay budgies wearing baby blue... and one of them was actually named baby.

What is a gay top?

A top is the one in a gay couple who is "giving;" a bottom "receives."