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being the most produced caliber for the pre-64 Winchester model 70,I have seen them going for between 700-800 dollars depending on original condition.

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Q: What is the price of a Winchester 1956 model 70 30-06?
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Value of winchester 3006 model 70?

Sorry- too many variables to give you a simple answer. Would depend on condition, age, and specific model (there are numerous variations of the model 70). Price could range from $200-$1000.

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Your winchester should have a model number located on the firearm.This will greatly help in producing a date of manufacture along with the serial number 389,455.Please include this info in your question.

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Is a Winchester 30-06 mod 70 a long action?

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Impossible to answer without a DETAILED description of ALL markings.

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depends on what model it is as well as the age. need more details on the rifle.