Sorry- too many variables to give you a simple answer. Would depend on condition, age, and specific model (there are numerous variations of the model 70). Price could range from $200-$1000.
1958 model 70 Winchester 3006 good condition
what is value of 1972 winchester 3006 springfield? It will range between 275-450 dollars,depending on overall condition.
Winchester makes the Model 70
You would have to be more specific with details as to date of manufacture, overall condition, etc. The pre-1964 Winchester Model 70 are generally more desirable than the post-64 rifles, and that can drive the value up.
The Winchester model 70 is a centerfire rifle. It was never made in 22 short caliber.
The value of a 1972 Winchester model 70 270 cal is between $760 to $800. This is good condition price.
your winchester model 70 was 1 of the last 15,839 pre-64 winchester model 70,s made by winchester. Your winchester model 70 was made in 1963.That being said and the fact that it was chambered in the most popular caliber should value your model 70 between 700-1,000 dollars if you have a good specimen with 70% original finish or better,all original and a good bore.
A Winchester model 70 sporter is going for 250-500 dollars depending on condition.
The price of your Winchester model 70 in .338Win mag caliber can only be determined if you include the serial number.This will show if you have a pre-64 model 70 Winchester,or a post 64 model 70.Please include the overall condition of your rifle to help determine the value.
A Winchester Model 70 is a rifle.
If you could include the serial number of your Winchester model 70(To date the production year) and if you have any other markings on this rifle to better understand what model of winchester model 70 you have.This will greatly help in assigning a value to your rifle.