First,do you mean a Winchester model 1894 rifle chambered in 38-55WCF.Second we will have to determine the age of your rifle(this can be done by serial number).Third we will need a detailed description of your rifles overall condition,to include a percentage of the original finish remaining on the wood and metal,the bore condition,and if there are any special order features present on the rifle in question.All these items have a determined value in coming to a correct overall value of your rifle.
The 2012 Winchester model 1894 sporter made by Miroku of Japan for Winchester sports a sugg retail price of 1,299.00
100-575 USD
If the overall condition of your pre-64 Winchester model 94 rifle is good,then the going price is between 400-500 dollars.
The value will be between 275-350 dollars depending on overall condition of your rifle and a good bore.This Winchester model 94 was made in the year 1967.
what is the year of winchester mod 94 sn 3295692
Your winchester model 1894 is ranging in value between 275-350 dollars.
100-1000 USD
Unfired, as new, in box, $500-$550.
Standard model list price: $99.95
94 winchester 30\30 3503591
The price of your winchester,new in the box is 425-450 dollars.