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100-575 USD

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Q: What is the price for a Winchester model 94 Comanche carbine?
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What is value of 1875 Winchester carbine?

Well the MSRP Price of a Winchester Saddle Ring Carbine Is $1639.99 if that is any help

What is the price of a new model Winchester model 94 l?

The 2012 Winchester model 1894 sporter made by Miroku of Japan for Winchester sports a sugg retail price of 1,299.00

Price for Winchester 30 cal carbine in original condition?

100-1000 or more depending on specifics

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The price of a Jeep Comanche ranges greatly depending on the car's model year. A 1989 Jeep Comanche costs roughly $3000, while a 1988 Jeep Comanche can cost anywhere from $2000 to $4000.

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What Price to sell Winchester model 61 rifle?

go to: and look up Winchester model 61 rifles and note there selling price and condition...............

What is the value of a Winchester Model 94- 30 W C F?

What part of Fjestad's were you looking at? The serial number places the manufacture date in 1949. Any model except the Eastern Carbine (w/o a saddle ring) lists at $500 in 30% original condition. If you don't want it at that price (and it's not an Eastern Carbine), contact me.

Price on model 1892 Winchester 2520 cal?

Value of a 1892 2520 winchester

What is the book price for a Winchester model 94 - 30 WCF serial number 1464448?

Your Winchester model 1894 rifle/carbine which was made during the war years(1943-1948) will bring between 350-550 dollars today on the market.This assumes that it has between 60%-90% of its original finish on the wood and metal,and a good bore.

Price of a Winchester model 88?

100-600 USD

What is the price of Winchester model 62A?

there is one on sale for 750

What is the average price for a Winchester Model 1400?

150 USD