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Q: What is the positive result of nitroprusside test?
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What amino acids are found in nitroprusside test?

Nitroprusside test detects the presence of cysteine and cystine amino acids. These amino acids react with nitroprusside to form a purple color complex, indicating a positive test for cysteine or cystine.

What is the significance of sodium-nitroprusside test?

The sodium nitroprusside test is used to detect the presence of reducing sugars in a solution. It is commonly used to identify the presence of glucose, sucrose, and fructose in urine samples for diagnosing conditions like diabetes. The test relies on the ability of reducing sugars to reduce the nitroprusside ion to a colored compound, indicating a positive result.

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yes,it give positive test

Will a pregnancy test show positive if I miscarried?

A pregnancy test can show a positive result if you have miscarried. There is still enough hormone in your body to produce a positive result.

Color of acetone after adding sodium nitroprusside?

The addition of sodium nitroprusside to acetone will result in a red-violet coloration. This color change occurs due to the formation of a complex between sodium nitroprusside and acetone, indicating the presence of ketones in the solution.

What dosage of Vyvanse will result in positive amphetamine result?

Any amount of Vyvanse could result in a positive amphetamine test.

What is the positive result for molisch test?

all carbohydrates show positive result to Molisch test. this is because Molisch test is used to distinguish carbohydrates from other organic compound.

Will Widal Test after positive resul after treatment in Typhoid?

I mean widal test result positive after treatment

What color is positive test result for glucose?

A positive test result for glucose is typically indicated by a color change to green, orange, or red, depending on the specific test method used.

What is the positive result for sakaguchi test?

A positive result for the Sakaguchi test is the formation of a white or yellow precipitate in the presence of arginine or histidine in the test sample. This precipitate forms when ninhydrin (reagent used in the test) reacts with the guanidine group of arginine or the imidazole group of histidine.

What does a positive Molisch's test on an unknown substance indicate?

A positive Molisch's test result indicates the presence of carbohydrates.