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the color of a positive test results is bright green

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Molebogeng Dondo

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Q: What color is positive test result for glucose?
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It is positive for the metabolizing of glucose.

Does starch gives positive result for Benedict test?

Starch is made up of repeating glucose units. Though it is a non reducing sugar, its hydrolysis gives out pure glucose, which is known as dextrose. And glucose, as we know, is a reducing sugar and hence would give a positive result in Benedict's test.

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A red color is the positive result>

Do glucose give a positive result for anthrone test?

Yes .

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No because glucose does not consist of two or more peptide bonds

What is the positive result for murexide test or test for purines?

A pink color must be obtained.

Why sucrose does not give a positive Benedict's test but hydrolyzed sucrose does give a positive beneditcts test?

Sucrose is formed from glucose and fructose.Sucrose is formed from glucose and fructose. Glucose and fructose gives positive test for benedict becuz both of them are reducing sugars whereas sucrose is not a reducing sugar so it gives negative test for benedict. On prolonged heating,sucrose will form glucose and fructose (reducing sugars)which ultimately gives a positive result .

Why is the Benedict test not exclusive to glucose?

The Benedict test will return a positive value for any reducing sugar. It will work with fructose, for example. Benedict solution oxidizes all the reducing sugars such as glucose, galactose and fructose. This implies that a positive result of Benedict's test can be any of the reducing sugars, not necessarily glucose. It will oxidize the carbonyl (which present in all type of sugar classes). So if we get a positive result in the Benedict test, it is not necessarily glucose; it could be galactose or fructose that also a reducing sugar. So Benedict test can't be used to assure glucose.

Positive result for bial-orcinol test?

bluish color if pentose is present.

In glucose what is the result of fehling test?

The test is positive for reducing sugars(Glucose). Green brown ppt with traces of red was formed when Fheling's solution was added to the spatula's measure of glucose in 1cm3 of water

Is the result of a pregnancy test kit positive if the test line has a very slight color and the control line has a dark color?

yes a line is a line,I'd say it's positive

What are the uses of nylander's test?

Nylander's test is used to detect the presence of reducing sugars such as glucose in a sample, particularly in cases of suspected infantile diarrhea. The appearance of a blue-black color indicates a positive result, suggesting the presence of reducing sugars.