The piercing that is located above the chin is a Labret* ( *Latin for lip ) however there are various other piercings in the area of the mouth, that were also called a Labret piercing or Lip piercing.
For your upper lip, Left is a monroe piercing. The bottom lip could just be a lip piercing, or labret piercing.
labret is the only one i can think of, snake bites if they're done on either side. unless you're refering to a monroe, (left upper lip) or madonna (right upper lip) or "angel bites" for both. i hope this helps Edit: Snakebites: When you have one piercing either side of the bottom of your lip. Angelbites: When you have one piercing either side of the top of your lip. One above your lip in the middle is a madonna. One above your lip to the side is a monroe. One in the middle at the bottom is a labret. Two on one side at the bottom of the lip is called a spiderbite. One to the side at the bottom of your lip is just a lip piercing i guess. (:
It's called a lip piercing
Any kind of lip piercing is called a labret piercing. As far as I'm aware anywhere along the bottom lip has that name, regardless of position.
A lip piercing.
a labret piercing
Labret is Latin for "lip" , a labret piercing was defined as a centerline lower lip piercing placed just below the center of the lower lip, they jewellery designed for this piercing is called a Labret stud a flat back stud with a removable top, screw on ball.A labret piercing in a piercing between the center of the lower lip and chin.
Right and left lip is called Snake Bites, the center piercing is a labret piercing.
14g is normal for a male lip piercing, 16g is normal for a female lip piercing.
Yea,i have a lip piercing and it does that do its natural