I have a phone number, I'm not sure if it's California limited: 866-947-8572
There is no strict rule for spacing for business letters. The standard is single spacing with a blank line separating each part (date, address, greeting, paragraphs, etc.) of the letter. Some legal organizations prefer double spaced letters the same as for legal documents.
There are several companies that offer prepaid legal as an employee benefit, a few of them are: Leo Kolbert, Apple, and even Sprint offers a form of prepaid legal services.
Simply answered - yes. A quick Google search turned up a number of companies that will still use this tried and true methoed of commumications. Appearantly they can be used easily as legal documentation. Not to mention they are nostalgic.
Legal implications that could arise from miscommunicationTHE SERIOUS IMPLICATIONS ARISE when the designer handles contractor time extention.
What is the phone number to citimortage legal department
What is the phone number of the legal department at TCF bank.
chase bank Legal Department
Verizon Wireless Legal Department 800-451-5242
Ms. Lisa F. RauchFifth Third Bank - Legal Department 38 Fountain Square PlazaMD10AT76Cincinnati, OH 45202Phone(513) 534-7294
Floyd S. Eberts is Chief Legal Officer/SVP for Lab Corporation. The telephone number which I have located is: 336-584-5171 The Address is: PO Box 2240 Burlington, NC 27216 Email: fseberts@labcorp.com
E-Trade legal department is only accessible through mail. Customer service representatives of E*Trade do not even have a number available to contact the legal department and may only reach them through internal e-mails, which often are ignored or delayed. The address is as follows: Attn: Legal Department (or a name if you are instructed to do so) E*TRADE Securities LLC P.O. Box 1542 Merrifield, VA 22116-1542 Yes, this is a pain to deal with, but when a company outsources its customer service and generally remains understaffed and provides minimal training to their support staff, what would you expect?
Bracebridge 1, 1100 N. King St., Wilmington, DE 19884
GMAC.com lists many GMAC 800 numbers. Try one and ask for legal department. They should be able to help.