350-450 depending on condition and whether or not it is magnum or not.
what is the value of a Beretta A L2-12 gauge Model#d39063 worth?
I paid $369.00 for a 1972 AL2 in excellent conditon
500 USD
E-gunparts.com, gun shows, gun shops, want ads, Beretta
Impossible to answer without a DETAILED description of the engraving and if it is factory or aftermarket. Price could range from 200-20000 US Dollars.
As many as the magazine will hold.
Manufactured between 1969 and 1976 Standard grade poor - 125 good - 250 Exc - 350 Competition poor - 175 good - 300 Exc - 400 This from a 2002 gun values book. Present values will be slightly higher
Yes, AL2 is paramagnetic.
The formula for aluminum dichromate is Al2(Cr2O7)3.
Aluminum sulfate is formulated by Al2(SO4)3