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It depends alot on how tall you are. there is websites that will list the recommended weight for what ever your height is

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Q: What is the normal weight for a 12 year old male?
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About normal weight for an 18 year old is depending on your gender, maybe 130 or 140 or anything around that range. Maybe a bit higher if you are a male.

I am a 12 year old male 5'4 and 112 pounds is this normal?

No. Being a 12-year-old male is not normal. Seriously, you're taller than average for your age but in the normal height range and your weight is in the normal range for your height.

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Is 180 pounds a normal weight for a ninteen year old male that is 5'9''?

Ideal weight for a 19-year-old 5'9" male is around 139-176 pounds, depending on the male's frame. The average weight is 152 pounds. 180 pounds is a little heavy.

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According to BMI, your weight should be about 65kg-75kg to be normal.

What is a normal weight for a 5' 10 17-year-old male?

130-150 pds i believe it tew be

You are 19 year old your weight is 150pound is that ok?

19 year old what? Human? Male? Female? For a typical 19 year old human of average or 'normal' height, I'd say 150 pounds is perfectly normal, especially for a male who's maybe 5'8 to 6'2 or so.

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The average weight of a fifty one year old male is 210 lbs

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The normal weight for a five year old is about 18-19kg.