There is no "most powerful"... It's all about the terminal ballistics of the round the gun fires, a 5.45 won't be more damaging out of one assault rifle than the other. But the intermediate cartridge that has the most damage potential today would be the 5.56. (First used in the M16) Newer mk318 mod0 5.56 is far less velocity dependent, allowing it to fragment more reliably out of shorter barrels. When hit with the speedy 5.56, it penetrates a few inches, then breaks in half, it will proceed to tumble and fragment, creating far bigger wound cavities than any other intermediate cartridge.
Each range is different depending on their insurance.
You will need to define assault rifle, and where you live. A TRUE assault rifle is a machine gun, and transfers of them are tightly regulated by the Federal government. What most people CALL an assault rifle is nothing but a semi-automatic rifle, and in most of the US, does not require a license to possess.
"Kalashnikov AK-47 AKM Assault Rifle" Is the most effective assault rifle yet invented, of course, there are many versions of this rifle, but it is powerful, cheap, deadly, and pretty much accurate on an assault-range. ^^^ Wrong.... wrong on so many levels. The AK47 and AKM are two different rifles. The AKM is an improved version. And its main weakness is that it fires that terrible 7.62 round... The AK74 is a completely superior gun. More accurate, better ballistics with the 5.45 round, less recoil, lighter etc.
i like the one in halo combat evolved the best cuz it has the most shots but all assault rifles are amazing and cool the was no assault rifle in halo 2 but bungie put in the smg instead which is suppost to be the assault rifle
The .308 was too powerful for an assult rifle, but the US Army gave it their best try in the 1960's, equipping the M14 rifle with numerous modifications to make it into an assault rifle. As a squad auto weapon it was probably quite adequate, but the .308 was just too powerful a round for use in weapons defined as assault rifles. If other armies tried to develop an assult rifle using the .308 cartridge, nothing ever came of it to the best knowledge of this contributor.
Assault rifle.
thay can all kill
That is mostly a matter of opinion.
In 5.56x45, the CM901 and M16 are an even match. In 7.62x39 and 7.62x51, the CM901 is considerably more powerful.
The SOAR (Special Operations Assault Rifle).
There is no one answer- it depends on the rifle. They are generally less powerful than a full size battle rifle cartridge. The M16 rifle uses a 5.56mm bullet, the AK47 a 7.62mm bullet, etc.
There are several different assault rifles - both by the true definition of an assault rifle and by the political motivated BATFE definition of a so-called "civilian assault rifle", manufactured by several different outfits. Which assault rifle did you have in mind, specifically?