i like the one in halo combat evolved the best cuz it has the most shots but all assault rifles are amazing and cool
the was no assault rifle in halo 2 but bungie put in the smg instead which is suppost to be the assault rifle
they are their to classify it. the letter describes the weapon. Example M=military AR=assault Rifle LMG=light machine gun ect. the number represents the model number. so in M-16 it is military rifle and was 16th design. Not all designs are excepted and that why there are gaps in the numbers.
I can give you along explanation about this. lol im sorta obsessed with halo. but ill spare you and give you a short one. The Halo's were built to destroy the Flood. These things called the forunners created the halos as a last resort. what the halos do is kill all life across the universe for billions of miles, so it makes the flood starve to death.
On a regular army base (i.e. not in a combat zone) combat personnel do not carry weapons on their person at all times. However, if the base is in a combat zone, all personnel are required to carry weapons. These arms can be anything from a personal weapon (pistol) to a combat ready device or assault rifle. It depends solely on the weaponry that is assigned to the combat personnel.
i know one that is helpful 00001 +$10000
normally isn't a best weapon for it, its just the weapon that your best with....... for me its the G3KA4 assault rifle I know you didn't ask about armor too, but I believe it all depends on what you are comfortable with. I use the SCAR with fire rate set to semi-auto(single shot). However in my opinion it's a matter of reflexes and not weapons, to be the one to kill the man in front of you instead of getting killed. Therefore I use very little armor and try to stay mobile. In my opinion the man moving around and dodging rounds will take the man with the heavy armor 2 to 1. I'm not the best at this game by far, but I do pretty good. It really depends on what your comfortable with. Just try different armor and weapons until you find what works best for you.
In simple terms, there is no ONE best. Different rifles have different characteristics, and it is a matter of opinion. All assault rifle's are created for multiple purposes. No one assault rifle is the best in all characteristics, but there are rifles like the PSD assault rifle that has more punch and still a normal recoil. no weapon is perfect, but some are balanced and are very good.
it depends if its for a certain job or just all purpose, THE american M4A1 is the best military rifle, whilst the others include AK47, ACR.
thay can all kill
The assault rifle that can go through almost all elements other than fire is SA80.
the best i think is the sniper because he has a deadly rifle and assault rifle :well they are all good in there own way ,i like the ODST Close Quarters Specialist , but the choice is yours.
No way to answer. You don't provide the parameters of use.
If you have Scavenger, the P90 with ACOG scope. Otherwise, an assault rifle is the best. EDIT BY SOMEONE ELSE: well it is up to you really as you know your strengths and weakness. my best wep is the famas and the mg4. so the only way really is 4 you to try out all the weps and see what you can use best =)
Yes, provided you follow all applicable laws.
If you mean the jacket, it all depends on the caliber and maker.
You G11 is the classified assault rifle meaning you will need to purchase all the assault rifles before it to unlock it. The highest assault rifle before the G11 is the Commando which is unlocked at level 44. So basically the minimum level to unlock it is 44.
There are two machine guns that are easy(ish) to get. The assault rifle can be bought and found on raiders in all stages of the game. The Gatling gun can be found on super-mutant brutes (there is one on the Washington Monument level). The assault rifle is a G3 and the Chinese assault rifle is an AK47. u forgot mini gun if that would be a machine gun
You gotta achieve all assault rifle challenges, it worth it though