One of the most obvious ways to tell if you are going to get your period soon is after you have been having discharge for 6-12 months
Missed period, swollen and/or tender breasts, morning sickness are going to be the most obvious signs.
In the stages of puberty, getting your period is one of the last steps although the other steps carry on happening during your periods. One of the most obvious sightings that you're going to get your period, is after you have had discharge for 6-12 months.
In the stages of puberty, getting your period is one of the last steps although the other steps carry on happening during your periods. One of the most obvious sightings that you're going to get your period, is after you have had discharge for 6-12 months.
I would suggest putting on a pad or a tampon. That's what most people do...
The most obvious and most likely date for the iPhone 4G to release would be in July.
you better rethink being a vet- obvious answer is BIOLOGY.
14 days after period most especially when evolution is going to occurs
The most obvious indication is that they ask you for a second date.
The most obvious thing, THE FIRST MOBILE CELL PHONE!
the most common symptoms are tummy ache , and headache
most likely not. two weeks before your period is when your most likely going to ovulate but anything is possible