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In the stages of puberty, getting your period is one of the last steps although the other steps carry on happening during your periods.

One of the most obvious sightings that you're going to get your period, is after you have had discharge for 6-12 months.

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Q: What puberty stage do you get your first period?
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What is stress period?

stress period is when your ways or feelings may change when you mature in the growth stage of puberty

When you get your period does it mean you are officially done with puberty?

When you get your first period, it doesn't mean that puberty is over. It means that puberty has just started.

What stage of puberty is semen produced?

The tanner stage when you will probably first ejaculate will be stage 4 (between 14 and 15)

Do girls get their period when they hit puberty?

Getting your first period is part of puberty, but happens at different ages for all girls. You probably started puberty before you got your first period and still got a way to go.

Which do you get first puberty or your period?

Menarche (first period) is part of going through puberty. Menstruation only occurs when a person starts to ovulate, as menstruation occurs if an egg isn't fertilised. Puberty refers to the process of going from a child to a sexually mature adult, thus puberty has to start in order for you then to start menstruating as menstruation occurs only after you start to ovulate.

What stage do you get your first period?

In the stages of puberty, getting your period is one of the last steps although the other steps carry on happening during your periods. One of the most obvious sightings that you're going to get your period, is after you have had discharge for 6-12 months.

How many years after girls enter puberty will they get their period?

I would say about between the ages of 11 and 13

What is the stage of development when the reproductive system becomes mature?

the answer to this question is puberty

What is the period following the phallic stage called?

The period following the phallic stage is called the latency stage. It occurs during middle childhood, around age 6 to puberty, where sexual impulses are suppressed and children focus on developing social and intellectual skills.

You are already in puberty but you don't got your first period?

Don't worry...your period will come soon.

Do your testicles touch when starting puberty?

In the first stage of puberty, the average volume of the testicles is about 1.5 ml each.

Will the sperm come out if you did it the first day of you're period?

Sperm have various stage. First and Second Stage. Both stage is capable of producing fertilization depending on the cycle or the period of the female. First stage: at this stage the male is not aware of that, Second stage: it's the stage we are well of. That is, if the female is not in safe period, first stage can make her pregnant as well.