Ruger's web site has extensive sn data.
100-800 dollars
Ruger's website has extensive sn data.
Need to know what model firearm it is first.
Go to the Ruger website, Customer Service, Historical Data, find your model, and look up the date of manufacture.
Sturm, Ruger was founded in 1948 by William Batterman Ruger with a $50,000 stake from Alexander Sturm, a family friend and gun collector.
Sturm was the name of one of the founders of Strum, Ruger and Co.
That is the correct spelling of Ruger, which is named for William Ruger of Sturm, Ruger & Company.
Go to the Ruger website- customer service, historical data, pistol, find your model, and the dates of manufacture are shown for different serial numbers.
The Mini 30 is a gun. It is a small, lightweight semi-automatic carbine manufactured by the U.S. firearms company Sturm, Ruger. It uses 7.62Ê39mm cartridges.