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The GBU-43 (Massive Ordnance Air Blast, usually called a MOAB. Mother Of All Bombs) which is a 21,000 pound bomb with a blast yield of 11 tons. The U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory has stated that a larger version of the MOAB exists, weighing thirteen tons.

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Q: What is the largest type of bomb the U.S. have in it's arsenal besides the nuclear bomb?
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How big is the largest nuclear bomb?

The largest nuclear bomb ever detonated was the Soviet Union's Tsar Bomba in 1961, which had a yield of 50 megatons. It was the most powerful nuclear weapon ever created and tested.

Does the US have a 200 megaton nuclear bomb?

The US does not have a 200 megaton nuclear bomb in its arsenal. The largest nuclear bomb ever tested by the US was the "Castle Bravo" with a yield of around 15 megatons. The US currently possesses nuclear weapons with a maximum yield of up to 1.2 megatons.

Who has the biggest nuclear bomb in the world?

As of now, Russia possesses the largest nuclear bomb in the world known as the Tsar Bomba. It was tested in 1961 and had a yield of 50 megatons, making it the most powerful nuclear bomb ever detonated.

When the Soviet Union exploded an atomic bomb the us response was?

When the Soviet Union exploded an atomic bomb, the US response was to increase its own arsenal and its own testing of nuclear weapons.

What is the largest megaton bomb?

The largest megaton bomb ever detonated was the Soviet Union's Tsar Bomba in 1961, with a yield of about 50 megatons. It was the most powerful nuclear weapon ever created and tested.

How big is a nuclear bomb?

The size of a nuclear bomb can vary depending on its yield, but generally speaking, they are relatively small and can be easily transported by planes or missiles. The largest nuclear bombs ever detonated were in the range of 50-100 megatons, but most current nuclear weapons have yields in the kiloton range.

Is the nuke bomb the biggest bomb?

No, a nuclear bomb is not the biggest bomb. The largest conventional bomb in terms of explosive yield is the MOAB (Massive Ordnance Air Blast), also known as the "Mother of All Bombs." It is a non-nuclear bomb developed by the United States.

What is the difference between nuclear bomb and plutonium bomb?

A nuclear bomb is a type of bomb that releases energy from splitting atoms (fission), whereas a plutonium bomb specifically uses plutonium as the primary fissile material to create the explosive chain reaction. Plutonium bombs are a subset of nuclear bombs.

What takes up the largest percent of energy released in a nuclear detonation?

As with any bomb the primary effect is blast.

When did Germany make nuclear bomb?

Germany has not made a nuclear bomb.

What is the best nuclear bomb?

The best nuclear bomb is the Tsar bomba

Who is the father of nuclear bomb?

Robert Oppenheimer is the father of nuclear bomb.