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Russia or America.

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As of now, Russia possesses the largest nuclear bomb in the world known as the Tsar Bomba. It was tested in 1961 and had a yield of 50 megatons, making it the most powerful nuclear bomb ever detonated.

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What is the biggest bomb?

the biggest bomb known in mankind is a nuclear bomb :)

Biggest weapon during World War 2?

The nuclear bomb.

Which nation has the most nuclear bombs?

Russia currently owns the biggest stockpile of nuclear weapons in the world. Also Russia made and detonated the biggest nuclear bomb in history called the Tsar bomb.

Is a nuclear bomb the biggest explosion?

Yes, Nuclear weapons create the biggest man-made explosions

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No, a nuclear bomb is not the biggest bomb. The largest conventional bomb in terms of explosive yield is the MOAB (Massive Ordnance Air Blast), also known as the "Mother of All Bombs." It is a non-nuclear bomb developed by the United States.

What is the biggest nuclear bomb ever detonated called?

The biggest nuclear bomb ever detonated is called the Tsar Bomba. It was detonated by the Soviet Union in 1961 and had a yield of 50 megatons, making it the most powerful nuclear weapon ever tested.

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What is the biggest nuclear weapon?

The biggest nuclear weapon ever tested was the Tsar Bomba, a hydrogen bomb detonated by the Soviet Union in 1961. It had a yield of 50 megatons, making it the most powerful nuclear weapon ever detonated.

What was used to bomb japan in World War 2 nuclear or hydrogen?

Nuclear. At the time it was called an atom bomb.

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The red bomb refers to the USSR nuclear bomb and the treat to the free world by the USSR using nuclear war in its aggressive expansion

What is the name of the first nuclear bomb?

The name of the first nuclear bomb was "Little Boy," dropped on Hiroshima, Japan, on August 6, 1945, by the United States during World War II.

What is the biggest nuclear bomb ever made?

The Tsar Bomba; that was made by the Soviet Union (Russia)