You can use Alt+9733 = ★or you can also use Alt+9734 = ☆.
Note: Please ensure that you are using MS Gothic as the font. J
The technical name for the star symbol (*) on a keyboard is an asterisk.
A star shaped symbol in printing is called an asterisk (*). It is commonly used to indicate footnotes, side notes, or as a symbol for multiplication in mathematical equations.
star on the jewelry means a healty women like five penis of avarage size.
The big star is often used as a symbol of success, achievement, prominence, or excellence. It can also symbolize hope, guidance, aspiration, or leadership.
To identify a star note silver certificate, check the serial number on the front of the note. Star notes have a star symbol at the beginning or end of the serial number, replacing the initial letter. This symbol indicates that the bill was reprinted to replace a defective or damaged note in the original production run.
* use the star on your keyboard
An asterisk.
The technical name for the star symbol (*) on a keyboard is an asterisk.
The name of the star on a PC keyboard is commonly known as the "asterisk."
The symbol above 8 on a keyboard is * (also called an asterisk).
You can make a Christmas tree using symbols, but to make one will take time and creativity. To make a small one, you will use a number of back slashes and forward slashes and use the star symbol for the star on top.
you can't make a shooting star with your keyboard sorry
5.* or 5.<^>
press alt 10017
press shift then the number 8. *
While using your keyboard, depress the Alt key. Press and hold the Alt key as you write 9733 to add a black star (★) or 9734 to add a white star (☆). You can also discover a variety of star symbol possibilities in the Icons collection in more recent versions of Microsoft Word. To access the Icons collection, simply click on the Insert tab.
The Jewish symbol. The star of David is traditional Jewish symbol .The star of David symbol is named after the king of ancient Israel,King David.It is very popular symbol and many people like to make star of David tattoos you can read more about the star in the related links