√(12 + 12 + 12) = √36 = 6
You just hold down alt and press 9 on the right side ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○
(1+1+1)! = 3! = 3x2x1 = 6... :)
You don't..
You can't make any symbols using your keyboard on your iPod Touch, but you can download an app on iTunes called "Emoji". That lets you add symbols in your "Notes and Mail". I don't think that's what they meant. I think they meant: "How con you make an ipod using the keyboard symbols?" Just my opnion. -14seneca5de
Shift comma, three. <3
     ______           just copy, paste and enjoy!    /     ^\         ~     ( *\         |\ )_   \ \_\_/          / /\ \  /\ \     
you can make these symbols ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ + [ ] { } [ ] | : " < > ? * - + = \ ; ' . , / ` ~
yes we can make a dolphin out of keyboard symbols by pressing k,a,i,n,a,t
this is a rat out of a keyboard <:3 )~
(o) < this is like a sombrero from birds eye veiw { ( o ) }
Yes, you can mke pikachu out of keyboard symbols. it's like this . . . `;-. ___, `.`\_...._/`.-"` \ / , /() () \ .' `-._ |) . ()\ / _.' \ -'- ,; '. < ;.__ ,;| > \ / , / , |.-'.-' (_/ (_/ ,;|.<` \ , ;-` > \ / (_,-'`> .' (_,' or this: ,___ .-;' `"-.`\_...._/`.` , \ / .-' ', / () ()\ `'._ \ /() . (| > .' ;, -'- / / < |;, __.; '-.'-.| , \ , \ `>.|;, \_) \_) `-; , / \ / < '. <`'-,_) '._)
You can't do that on a keyboard
how do you make spongebob squarepants from keybored symbols
hold the shift key and tap the apostrophe key a few times