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This phrase is only used by those who oppose gay rights. It refers to the perception that gay people have designed and are carrying out a specific plan to force the rest of society to view them as normal or acceptable. There is some underlying truth to that; gay people do want and deserve equality.

In general terms, gay people (and straight people) strive for equality in many different ways, and it is true that they are seeking to discard the old view that they are sinful or mentally ill, but there is no agenda.

The opponents of gay equality are seeing cultural changes and labeling them as an agenda.

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6y ago

This phrase is only used by those who oppose gay rights, and it refers to the perception that gay people have designed and are carrying out a specific plan to force the rest of society to view them as normal or acceptable. There is some underlying truth to that; gay people do want and deserve equality. But there is no grand master plan, which the term "agenda" seems to imply.
In general terms, gay people (and straight people) strive for equality in many different ways, and it is true that they are seeking to discard the old view that they are sinful or mentally ill, but there is no agenda.

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