Not all men are homosexual. There are many men who are bisexual, homosexual, heterosexual, pan-sexual etc.
there are 3 types of guys out there: homosexual - view girls as just normal human beings horny - just see them as a way to have sex and normal guys - view girls as an opposite.
no because Freddie is a homosexual and only likes guys
Yes. It means you are a homosexual. This is perfectly normal in modern society.
No member of One Direction has commented that they are homosexual. It can be assumed, therefore, that each member is straight.
if she's a gay girl, and by gay you mean homosexual, then changes are she doesn't like any guys.
Pon & Zi were created to be 'gender-less'. The creator wanted them to be applicable to any relationship, whether heterosexual or homosexual.
if one guy wants to say i love you to another guy it should be made clear that neither of them have homosexual intentions. However, if the guy is saying "i love you" to a girl it is fine as long as the girl is clear about the guys intentions.
Yes. He is a homosexual and has been with just about every fighter down in hell. (Including Janemba)
yes that stand fore freedom no matter where you go their will always be homosexual. god dos not hate us you do
The German word for homosexual is "homosexuell" or "schwul."
The word "homosexual" has four syllables.
homosexual = homosexuel