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Q: What is the funest free app for ipod touch?
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Does iPod touch have free Facebook?

Yes, the iPod Touch has a free Facebook app.

How do you get a paid app on the ipod touch for free?

If it's a paid app then you can't get i for free. Go Daily App Dream and App Shopper everyday to get a paid app on the ipod touch for free.

Is there a free Flick Home Run app for the iPod touch?

Yes, there is a free Flick Home Run app for the iPod touch.

Is the iPod Touch texting app free?

On most iPod Touch Phones the texting app is needed to be payed for.

What is the most popular iPod Touch app Free and not free?

Well, the most popular Free app for the iPod touch is Temple Run, and for not free is Angry Birds.

Is there an app for free WiFi for the iPod Touch?


How do you download free games to your ipod touch?

go to the app store app that came with the ipod

Is there a free app for ipod touch that gives you free music?


Do you have to buy the iTunes app on your iPod Touch?

No, it is free with the purchase of the iPod.

Does adding the app for email on your ipod touch cost?

The app for e-mailing on the Ipod touch should be on it when you first get it. Otherwise, it is free.

Is The 'Safari' app free on ipod touch?


Is the Facebook app on the ipod touch free?
