The differences between reality and the outward appearance of the characters or objects in the story
The contrast between the appearance and the reality of the characters gives Shakespeare's characters depth.
I believe it is irony
they both have the theme appearance vs reality :)
In philosophy, the theme of appearance vs reality explores the relationship between how things seem and how they truly are. It questions whether our perceptions accurately reflect the underlying nature of reality. Philosophers like Plato, Descartes, and Kant have delved into this theme, debating the nature of truth, knowledge, and the limitations of human perception in grasping reality. The distinction between appearance and reality is fundamental in epistemology, metaphysics, and philosophy of mind.
=Even though they have different names, in reality, they are the same cat with only a few differences like tails and ears.==Even though they have different names, in reality, they are the same cat with only a few differences like tails and ears.=
Rock salt (impure salt) is frequently colored.
Why do we see differences in the appearance and movements of the Sun and Moon from Earth
esssays on the theme 'appearance vs reality' in the play K ing Lear. esssays on the theme 'appearance vs reality' in the play K ing Lear. esssays on the theme 'appearance vs reality' in the play K ing Lear. esssays on the theme 'appearance vs reality' in the play K ing Lear. esssays on the theme 'appearance vs reality' in the play K ing Lear.