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Laurence Kemmer

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Q: What is the contrast between appearance and reality or what is expected and what actually happens.?
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A contrast between what is expected and what actually happens?


Which phrase refers to the contrast between what is expected to happen and what actually does happen?

The phrase that refers to the contrast between what is expected to happen and what actually does happen is called "irony." Irony occurs when there's a difference between appearance and reality, or when the outcome is different from what was anticipated. There are different types of irony, including verbal irony, situational irony, and dramatic irony, each involving different aspects of this contrast.

What is between wha happens and what's expected is situational irony at work?

Situational irony occurs when an event or outcome is different from what is expected, leading to a surprising or unexpected twist. It involves a contrast between what is anticipated and what actually occurs in a given situation.

A contrast between what is expected and what happens?

situational irony

Irony is built upon the basic element of?

Irony is built upon the basic element of incongruity or contrast between what is said or done and what is actually meant or expected. It involves a discrepancy between appearance and reality, often resulting in unexpected or humorous outcomes.

Is An event in a story that's exactly the reverse of what was expected is an example of?

Yes, an event in a story that is the reverse of what was expected is an example of situational irony. Situational irony occurs when there is a contrast between what is expected to happen and what actually occurs.

What is a special kind of contrast between appearance and reality?

I believe it is irony

What are the three types of irony?

There is dramatic, situational, and verbal irony. Dramatic Irony- the contrast between what the character knows and what his audience knows. Situational Irony- the contrast between what was expected to happen and what actually ended up happening. Verbal Irony- the contrast between what is said and what is meant. These types of irony have to do with the conflict, theme, and setting.

Situational irony occurs when there is a contrast between?

what is expected to happen and what actually happens in a given situation. This contradiction can create surprise or humor for the audience, as the outcome is often the opposite of what was anticipated.

What is pathetic irony?

Pathetic irony is when a situation is so ironic that it evokes pity or sadness. It highlights the contrast between what is expected and what actually occurs in a way that is particularly poignant or heartbreaking.

Shakespeare relies on appearance versus reality to make his characters what?

The contrast between the appearance and the reality of the characters gives Shakespeare's characters depth.

Is iorny a literary device?

Yes, irony is a literary device where there is a contrast between what is expected to happen and what actually occurs. It can add depth and complexity to a story by creating unexpected outcomes that challenge the reader's expectations.