what do you exactly mean by resources??? their manufacturing resources or what. make it clear.
For the Nokia company: to make money
If you have Nokia PC Suite installed and you want to change the language Nokia PC Suite applications use, do one of the following:To install the same version of Nokia PC Suite in another language: uninstall Nokia PC Suite and then select to reinstall it in the new language from the CD-ROM or from the Nokia PC Suite Web pagesTo install a newer version of Nokia PC Suite in another language: select to install the Nokia PC Suite in the new language. The old version of Nokia PC Suite and its language are automatically replaced during the installationDownload the Nokia PC Suite user guide from nokia.com if needed.
mission statment of nokia mobiles
nokia rh-130
Connect it to your computer and go on nokia PC suite
what is the difference between N series and C series in nokia mobile phones
these mobile phones are same their features are same but their colours are not same.....
Nokia c2-03 is a single sim phone where as nokia c2-03 is a duel sim phone.
the basic difference between nokia ultra&flexibts is that ultra can support only12 trx but flexi bts can support 24 trx. i
Information about the Nokia 1202 can be found online from many different resources. Some examples of these resources include GSMarena and the Nokia website.
Referring to what specifically, from this question all i can say is that they are different companies
One can find the full specifications for the Nokia 8210 at any participating locations which provides or services Nokia phones. More specific information about the Nokia 8210 can be found directly from the manufacturer or the manufacturers website.
There are many brands of mobile phones - Nokia, Samsung and Motorola are the three largest manufacturers.
The Nokia 2630 has a screen resolution of 128x160 pixels which is the same as the Nokia 2760 which has also the 128x160 pixel resolution. The only difference is that the Nokia 2760 has a secondary screen (external) of 96x68 pixels.
FIU and RRI both are connect to ODU of microwave antenna. The difference is RRI is used in ultra BTS where as FIU is used in Flexi BTS.
You should have already understood by the title of Nokia N97 Mini that it is smaller compared with it's older brother Nokia N97. Nokia N97 Mini lacks some cool functions that Nokia N97 has, for example; Nokia N97 Mini's camera performance is (good, but) lower in quality than Nokia N97's. Moreover, Nokia N97 Mini's Mass Memory can only be as high as 16 GB, whilst Nokia n97's Mass Memory is 32 GB.However, Nokia N97 Mini is more suitable because of its small size. Frankly, i don't care much about a phone's functions, i mostly care about its size. Nokia N97 Mini is about the same size as Nokia N96.
In Technical Terms RRI is a Soft Push and FIU is a hard because when there is an electrical E1 droping we need FIU.