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Go to the users channel click on send message.

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Q: How do you send a private message on youtube?
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How can you send message on YouTube?

You can send a message on YouTube by using the private messaging system provided to each user. As long as a user didn't block you on YouTube, you will be able to send messages to the user you wish to send a message to. To access the private message feature, you should look for the "Inbox" link once you login to youtube when you drop-down the bar under your username on the top-right corner of any YouTube page.

On YouTube what is PM?

On YouTube or most forums on the internet PM means Private Message. On YouTube, users can send messages to people in there friends list.

Can you send messages to other members on YouTube if you're a member?

Yes. You can private message them. Go to your inbox, compose, and select a username

How do you send a message to someone's inbox on youtube?

click the username the person you want to send the message to, go to their discreptions and scroll down to send message

How do you send a message in private in WikiAnswers?

You cannot send a private message. If you try to send a message to anyone on WikiAnswers, there is a little caption below the place you can type in that says, "This page isn't private. Although this is for messages to [inset username here], anyone can read what's here." If you want to send a private message, you must do so through e-mail.

How do you send a message to friends on sumdog?

go on youtube

Is there a way on WikiAnswers to send a private message that people cannot see?

At the moment there is no private message system, but we are looking into revamping Message Boards.

What happens when you get a million hits on YouTube?

YouTube will send you a check of $1500, but first they send you a message as soon as your video reaches a million views.

Why arent my youtube subscribers coming up?

you need to send the message out There

How do you invite people to party's in roblox?

Send a private message to them.

If you block someone on YouTube can they still send you private messages?


How do you send messages on youtube?

Go to the channel of the person you want to send the mess age to and click where it says "send message" by their username.