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according to me ,there is no difference between yet and nevertheless since both have same meaning .

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Q: What is the difference between yet and nevertheless?
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Is there any difference between nevertheless and however?

Nevertheless: In spite of that; notwithstanding; all the same: "statements which, although literally true, are nevertheless misleading". However: Despite anything to the contrary (usually following a concession); "although I'm a little afraid, however I'd like to try it"; "while we disliked each other, nevertheless we agreed"; "he was a stern yet fair master"; "granted that it is dangerous, all the same I still want to go" Kinda.

What are synonyms for but?

however, yet, still, nevertheless

What is the meaning of nevertheless?

Not the less; notwithstanding; in spite of that; yet.

What meaning by however?

nevertheless; yet; on the other hand; in spite of that: We have not yet won; however, we will continue to try

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yet, however, nevertheless, still, though.

Make sentences using the contrast words?

"I have not eaten all day, yet I am not hungry. Nevertheless, I am going to have some bread. " Nevertheless and but are contrast words.

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A constraint is a limitation that is visible and present. The difference between a constraint and risk is that a risk is problem that is not yet seen, or a potential problem.

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entrepreneurs are not yet establised and busines men are established

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this question has not yet been answered

What is the difference between nevertheless and nonetheless?

There's no difference between them, though 'nonetheless' is less common. As they are normally suprasentencial (contrasting sentences), they can be replaced by 'however', but 'although' normally contrast two clauses within the same sentence so wouldn't work as a replacement. 'Though' is used with a similar effect to however/nevertheless when it placed at the end of the second sentence, but this use is mostly found in informal writing.1 Change the punctuation to a semi-colon or period.2 Fine3 Bit of a mess- you have both but and nevertheless in there.

What is the difference between dividend and proposed dividend?

Here the difference is that the dividend is a amount decided to be given to, say the shareholders, and proposed dividend is the amount has not yet been decided at the meeting , for the sareholders as yet.

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Infants do not walk yet. Toddlers are able to 'toddle' about on their legs.