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graffiti is

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Q: What is the difference between vandalism and graffiti?
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Can graffiti art be vandalism?

it is vandalism

What is the difference between graffiti tags and artwork?

Real graffiti is artwork while graffiti tags are generally considered vandalism. Graffiti artwork adds to the urban landscape, is pleasing to look at and makes one think, while graffiti tags are a quick inscription or signature to let people know you were there.

Is graffiti a branch or form of vandalism?

Graffiti can be considered a form of vandalism when it is done without permission, such as on private property or public spaces. However, some graffiti artists create pieces with artistic value and obtain approval to showcase their work in designated areas, blurring the line between vandalism and legitimate art.

What is messy graffiti?

its where people mess stuff up with their graffiti....Added: Vandalism

What kind of crime is graffiti?


Who is responsible to fix vandalism?

we can fix it by not doing graffiti!

What is graffiti - art or vandalism?

depends where you put it. if you put it on someones house or something that's vandalism, but some people have jobs making murals of graffiti =]

Is there a difference between vandalizing and spamming on Wikianswers?

Spamming is a type of vandalism, but not all vandalism is spam.

What is the difference between graffiti and urban art?

The difference between urban art and graffiti is that urban artists have permission from the owner of the object they are painting on this is legal. Graffiti is illegal because the person doing it does not have permission from the owner.

What graffiti does to the community?

Depends on the graffiti...if its in terms of art or vandalism...there is a difference. i think what makes it popular is in terms of expression. People express themselves in different ways and it takes a true artist to tie all this together. One of my all time favorite street/graffiti artists is Phetus.

Why graffiti began?

Depends on the graffiti. In terms of art or vandalism, there is a difference. I think what makes it popular is in terms of expression. People express themselves in different ways and it takes a true artist to tie all this together. One of my all time favorite street/graffiti artists is Phetus.

When is it okay to graffiti?

Depends on the graffiti...if its in terms of art or vandalism...there is a difference. i think what makes it popular is in terms of expression. People express themselves in different ways and it takes a true artist to tie all this together. One of my all time favorite street/graffiti artists is Phetus.